A licensed professional esthetician is an expert that recognizes and understands various skin conditions and possesses the knowledge and training to recommend and apply appropriate skin care products and treatments to restore the natural beauty and health of your facial skin.
Estheticians undergo between 300 to 1200 hours of education at state-approved esthetics or cosmetology schools. Their training and education consist of studies in skin anatomy and physiology, safety and sanitation guidelines, techniques and protocols for facial and waxing treatments, and product formulation and ingredients.
Estheticians administer therapies to help alleviate non-medical skincare concerns and implement preventative practices to slow signs of aging. Their education and training certify that they are very capable and authorized to make skin analysis and to properly apply facials and peels as well as to perform extractions and microdermabrasion procedures. Estheticians will help you establish a regimen of good skin care practices to achieve smoother, softer, and more radiant-looking skin.
Esthetician vs. Dermatologist
Your skin condition will be a major factor in deciding whether you should see an esthetician or dermatologist. A dermatologist is a medical physician with many years of medical training and residency experience. At the end of their residency training, they take an exam; and if passed, they are considered board-certified doctors in dermatology.
A dermatologist is qualified to diagnose chronic or severe skin conditions: including rosacea, chronic painful redness skin areas, acne, psoriasis, and anything that is scabbing and crusting. If you notice a new mole, brown spot, or any other skin artifact that wasn’t there before, you’ll want to have it checked out by a dermatologist before having an esthetician address the issue. Experienced estheticians will most likely recommend that you see a dermatologist when they notice familiar skin conditions known to require medical attention.
Visiting an Esthetician
If you are new to professional skincare therapies, you will want to schedule a consultation before your first facial session. A consultation with your esthetician will provide you with knowledge and understanding of the various facial treatments available to you.
During your consultation, you and your esthetician will discuss your unique skin care needs, your goals and expectations to ensure a positive facial experience. Your esthetician will conduct a thorough skin analysis to determine the best treatments for your current skin condition and will recommend a daily skincare routine that will feature professional skincare products for you to use at home.
Professional Home Care Products
Please, understand that a professional facial is not a quick fix to your skin concerns, which most likely developed over a long period. Improving the condition of your skin with an experienced esthetician will be a process that will evolve. Regularly scheduled facials are more of a preventive skin therapy service and not intended as a curative procedure.
Think of it as being similar to a dental visit to have your teeth and gums cleaned; you will still brush and floss your teeth at home, right? A scheduled facial session will aid in maintaining your skin’s healthy condition once achieved, and deal with new or problematic skin issues. However, your commitment to follow a consistent home skincare regimen will carry more weight toward fulfilling and preserving your expectations for your skin.
Let’s get started
Are you ready? Have you decided that this is your year to improve the condition of your facial skin; well then, Beauty & Twine is ready to help guide your journey.
Together, we will design a custom facial program that includes a scheduled therapeutic spa session, a selection of the right products for your skin along with a step-by-step home care regimen. Most importantly is that over time you will notice improved results for the effort and time that you devote to your custom skincare program.
For more expert skin care and wellness tips, check out the blog. Also, be sure to follow Beauty & Twine on Instagram and join the Facebook page.
Content found on beautytwinespa.com, including: text, images, audio, or other formats were created for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog.
San Antonio certified esthetician Beauty & Twine uses an age-positive, holistic approach to skincare for women and men looking for long-term solutions that empower them to embrace their natural beauty and reignite confidence in their skin.